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Navigating the Right to Choose: Accessing ADHD and Autism Assessments

January 7, 2024 - Reading time: 4 minutes

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on accessing ADHD and autism assessments under the NHS Right to Choose framework. This service offers a straightforward, patient-centered approach to obtaining necessary evaluations via secure video link. Designed for both adults and children, our aim is to simplify the process, alleviating some of the stress and uncertainty often associated with these assessments.

Understanding Right to Choose Services

Services We Provide

  • ADHD Assessments for Adults and Children: Offering convenient and accessible ADHD assessments through secure video link technology.
  • Autism Assessments for Children & Young People (Aged 5 and Above): Specialized assessments tailored to the needs of young individuals.
  • Autism Assessments for Adults: Comprehensive evaluations to understand and support adults with autism.

How Right to Choose Works

  1. Complete the Self-Report Questionnaire: This is the first essential step, whether it’s for ADHD or autism. The correct form must be completed either online or printed and completed by hand.
  2. Consultation with Your GP: It's important to discuss your concerns and the completed questionnaire with your GP.
  3. Referral to Clinical Partners: If your GP agrees that an assessment is necessary, request a referral to Clinical Partners under the Right to Choose framework.
  4. GP Completes the Online Referral Form: Your GP needs to submit the referral through our secure online system.
  5. Referral Review and Appointment Scheduling: We'll review your referral for suitability and contact you to arrange an appointment if you meet the criteria.

The Process in Detail

Completing the Self-Report Questionnaire

  • Emphasize the importance of accurately and thoroughly completing the questionnaire, as it forms the basis of the initial assessment.
  • Provide an overview of the different questionnaires available for various age groups and conditions.

Consultation with Your GP

  • Discuss how to prepare for the GP appointment, including what information to bring and questions to ask.
  • Highlight the role of the GP in facilitating the referral process.

Referral to Clinical Partners

  • Explain the criteria and conditions under which a patient can be referred for an assessment.
  • Discuss the importance of choosing a specialized provider like Clinical Partners for accurate and comprehensive assessments.

Understanding the Waiting Times and Appointment Scheduling

  • Address the current challenges and waiting times due to high demand for ADHD and autism services.
  • Reassure patients of continuous efforts to reduce wait times and improve service accessibility.

After the Assessment: Next Steps

  • Provide a brief overview of what happens after the assessment, including potential treatment plans and follow-up appointments.
  • Emphasize the importance of ongoing communication with healthcare professionals for optimal care and support.

Conclusion: The Right to Choose framework is a significant step towards empowering patients in their healthcare journey, especially in the field of mental health. Understanding this process is key to accessing timely and appropriate assessments for ADHD and autism. Remember, your healthcare journey is a collaborative effort between you, your GP, and specialized providers like Clinical Partners.

Note to Readers: This article is intended as a general guide and does not replace professional medical advice. For specific concerns or questions about the Right to Choose service, please consult your GP or healthcare provider.


There are a number of ways to find a qualified ADHD assessment centre. The best place to start is by talking to your doctor or child's pediatrician. They may be able to refer you to a specialist or testing centre in your area. You can also search online for ADHD assessment centres or contact your local mental health association. Once you've found a few potential centres, it's important to do your research to make sure they are reputable and have experience assessing for ADHD.

You can read reviews online, check with the Better Business Bureau, or ask for references from people you trust. When you've narrowed down your options, contact the centre to ask about their process and fees. Once you've found a qualified assessment centre, they will be able to help you determine if your child has ADHD and develop a treatment plan.